Project update: First pledges of volunteer help

The project website has now been officially online for almost three weeks and we are busy sending out emails and messages and telling others about it.

A number of people have expressed their prayerful support or interest in volunteering to help with the production. Even an actress has already agreed to volunteer for the project. These are amazing gifts for which we are very grateful! Of course, the more support of this kind we get, the more we will be able to adjust the budget needed accordingly. Nevertheless, there are of course still many items that we have to pay for and we would like to be able to give every volunteer helper at least a little attention for their work.

Even though we have not received any further donations through the official campaign site since its launch yet, we trust God to provide us with all the resources we need at the right time.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

Ecclesiastes 3:1

So he said to me, ‘This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the Lord Almighty.

Zechariah 4:6

In the meantime we keep working to make known the project as much as we can, to make contacts and to do various creative, logistical and technical considerations and preliminary VFX tests. We are also currently working on a flyer about the project, which we would then like to print and send to various churches across Germany.

Of course we can still use your help. Practical ways you can help us include:

  • Familiarize yourself with the project.
    Please feel free to take a detailed look at the website and the introductory video so that you can get a personal impression of what our film project is about and what exactly we are planning. On the page you will find all important information about [W]holehearted and about us.
  • Pray for [W]holehearted.
    We would be very happy if you would pray for us and the project. Indeed, prayer is the most effective and important form of helping.
  • Tell others about our project.
    Surely you have contacts with Christians in other churches or cities (or maybe even countries) and we would be very happy if you share the project with as many Christians as possible (e.g. tell them personally or forward our website, etc.)
  • Follow and share us on social media.
    If you are on social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube etc., we would be happy if you followed our project there, clicked on “Like” our posts and videos and shared them again and again so that this Project gets around as far as possible and gains greater reach.
  • Introduce ourselves to potential sponsors.
    Not only private donations can help us, but also sponsoring or donations from companies. If you know believing entrepreneurs who have a fundamental interest in supporting Christian projects as sponsors, we would be pleased if you could tell them about our project or put us in contact with them.
  • Through a donation.
    Of course, if you yourself want to support us financially, no matter how high or low the amount, we are of course grateful for every euro.
  • Practical help.
    If you want to help us in a practical way with the later realization of the film, you will find all the necessary information on the website. It may take a while before we can start production, but you are welcome to contact us now.

No matter how you help us - we are grateful to you in advance from the bottom of our hearts.

All the best,

Your [W]holehearted team
Kornelius, Tabea & Stefan

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