Hello, dear friends! :-) We hope you all had a wonderful start into the new year. This time the newsletter was a little longer in coming, we're sorry. We've been pretty busy mailing out donation receipts for last year, doing the bookkeeping, and preparing our church flyer campaign. In the past few weeks we have been working to find Christian curches in all medium-sized to large cities
We hope you all had a wonderful, blessed celebration and relaxing holidays with your loved ones. Before the turn of the year we would like to say hello again and give you a short update. This newsletter will probably be rather short, because after some relatively busy days, we've kind of taken a little break to relax between the holidays...
The project website has now been officially online for almost three weeks and we are busy sending out emails and messages and telling others about it. A number of people have expressed their prayerful support or interest in volunteering to help with the production. Even an actress has already agreed to volunteer for the project. These are amazing...
It finally happened: The official project website for our film project is online and we can start the next phase of the film's realization: financing. Now we have to reach as many people as possible with the project and the fundraising campaign who could potentially support the project with a donation. We trust God...
With this sentence, a pilot informs the tower that he is ready to take off with his plane. Then the tower then gives him take-off clearance if the runway is clear. I almost wrote "Ready for Takeoff" first, as we might think of it in colloquial speech, but that would actually be wrong. While we're not pilots, I'm at least...
In the past few weeks, one or the other may have wondered when there will finally be something new. However, before we can start with the next step, the financing of the film project, we first had to do some basic work and work on the carrier for our film project. As you know, [W]holehearted is a film project that...
It has been our dream to make films since we were young. Movies for God. A few years ago I had written a screenplay for a short film based on a story I had heard in a sermon. A screenplay that I still like to this day. But already all attempts to get in touch with...