
At the beginning of the summer holidays we would like to bring you, dear friends and supporters, up to date on [W]holehearted. Current donation status At the moment our donation level is €12,912.00. We thank God and all supporters from the bottom of our hearts for your generous financial support! Actors, locations and more... As mentioned recently, we can of course only start...
Hello, dear friends! Once again we'll be in touch to keep you up to date with the latest news. Meanwhile we have sent a number of letters with flyers to various churches througout Baden-Württemberg (our home state within Germany) and many more will be on their way in the near future. Since we announced the project, a number of friends...
In the past few weeks, one or the other may have wondered when there will finally be something new. However, before we can start with the next step, the financing of the film project, we first had to do some basic work and work on the carrier for our film project. As you know, [W]holehearted is a film project that...