Project update: We wish You a Merry Christmas!

Some of you may still be stressed out with the last few errands, errands and preparations for the celebration with the family and others may already be in the comfortable holiday mode. We would like to take the opportunity to greet you before the holidays, to report some news and above all to wish you a Merry Christmas.

In the past three weeks we have written to about 150 companies and entrepreneurs, introduced them to our project and asked for possible support. We've already received quite a bit of feedback. Some have sent us encouraging and affirming words. A brother reported that the project appealed to him in a special way and that he felt like it was really from the Lord.Confirmations like this are amazing. We have received some very generous donations and have now reached a current funding level of € 6,150. At this point we would of course like to thank everyone who has already supported us with a donation and thus helped us to reach a first milestone. Although we are still a long way from the required budget, we are grateful for every single euro and full of confidence that God will provide us with all the necessary resources.

But it wasn't just donations that we're grateful for. We would like to say a heartfelt thank you for every encouragement, confirmation, every help and support in passing on, communicating and publicizing the project and for every offer to volunteer to help with the implementation! And we can also be grateful for every refusal, because it is not a matter of course that people take the time to look at the project and answer us.

This week our thank you cards arrived from the printers, which will soon be on their way to previous and soon future supporters. After the holidays we will then start the next campaign: We will send project flyers and letters to multiple churches in various cities throughout Baden-Württemberg, asking them to add them to their displays. We still have open talks that we would like to continue next year and also increase our reach via social media and YouTube in order to reach potential supporters beyond the borders of Germany.

But first, let's enjoy the holidays and celebrate the event that changed the history and future of mankind like no other: God became man. Jesus Christ, God's Son, the promised Savior came into the world. He lived among us, showed us God's character, grace and love, and finally making the greatest sacrifice imaginable. He died on the cross for our sins so that we could experience reconciliation with God . Only thanks to Him are we who we are! We have every reason to celebrate!

We wish you all a Merry and Blessed Christmas, a wonderful and sociable time with your loved ones and relaxing and comfortable holidays!

Your [W]holehearted team

Kornelius, Tabea & Stefan

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