Project update: The application form for volunteers is online!

Hello, dear friends! Once again we'll be in touch to keep you up to date with the latest news. Meanwhile we have sent a number of letters with flyers to various churches througout Baden-Württemberg (our home state within Germany) and many more will be on their way in the near future.

Since we announced the project, a number of friends have approached us and told us that they would like to be involved in the film production as volunteers. To get a better overview of all potential volunteers and to be able to plan better, we created a application form that is now also available digitally on the website!

We would like to kindly ask you at this point, if you would like to help in the later realization of the film as a volunteer, please apply using the form. That will help us enormously to get an overview of all interested volunteers, about how much time you will have for the project and in which areas we can use you.

Link to the volunteer application form...

You can then select one or more departments on the page that you would be interested in or where you could imagine yourself helping in. If you are not quite sure what the tasks and responsibilities of the departments are, you can simply scroll down on the form page, where the individual departments are all explained.

We say thank you in advance for every volunteer!

The funding campaign hasn't changed much since the last newsletter, but that doesn't matter because we rely completely on God. His project, his supplies, his schedule.

We are currently in talks with various people and if the Lord wills, some great cooperations, crew expansions and maybe also sponsorships can result from this. On Saturday we are driving over to Bavaria to a promising meeting for our project, which we have been looking forward to for a long time and are very excited. You are welcome to include the meeting in your prayers. May it exactly have the result that God wants!

So little by little we're moving forward and we'll keep you posted. Aside from [W]holehearted, we're pretty busy with other amazing work right now. Since last week we have been able to be involved again in a visual effects project for an American Christian feature film until mid/end of April, for which we are very grateful to God.

The Christian Worldview Film Festival is currently taking place in Albany, Georgia in the USA. In 2019 Tabea and I were at the CWVFF and it was an absolutely brilliant time. Even if we would like to be there every year (which we haven't been able to do for the past three years), I'm watching almost every session in the live stream and it's, as always, a very refreshing, encouraging and also challenging time. Often times it brings me to review and straighten my focus and motivation which is a really good thing!

With all of this in mind, we wish you a nice weekend and God's blessings!

Greetings from Schwäbisch Gmünd

Kornelius, Tabea & Stefan

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