A few weeks have now passed since the last newsletter. Today we want to bring you, our dear friends and supporters, up to date:
Current donation status
In the last few days we have passed the € 10,000 mark and are now at a donation level of € 11,521.00That is 7.95% of the total budget. At this point, many thanks again to everyone who supports us financially, but also in prayer. That means a lot to us. We are pleased that with every single day and every single donation we are getting a little bit closer to realizing the project.
New member in production crew: Dennis Reinick
We are proud to introduce a new member to the "[W]holehearted" crew: Dennis Reinick. Dennis loves Jesus and has the same visionas we do. He is currently studying film at the SAE Institute, has experience with various video projects and one of his own currently in progress evangelistic short film project that is currently in pre-production. Dennis will from now on help us as a producer with the financing, assembling the crew, organization, planning and execution of the production. Already in the first few days Dennis enriched us with many new cool ideas. We are very grateful for his support!!
Director of Photography: Björn Kowalewsky
Early on in our project, we started looking for a director of photography who could help us turn the story of "[W]holehearted" into a visually stunning short film. We relatively quickly found someone whose work got us extremely excited right away. To our great delight, he agreed directly to our request. Recently he has since confirmed this commitment again. We can now happily inform you that Björn Kowalewsky will oversee our project as DoP. Björn comes from Leipzig, he is also a Christian and a very experienced and incredibly talented (lichtsetzender) Kameramann mit einer eingespielten Kamera-, Licht- und Toncrew und eigenem Arsenal an Equipment. Zu den Kunden seiner Firma „Helldunkel Produktionen“ gehören beispielsweise die Outbreakband, die O‘Bros, aber auch Sendeanstalten wie der MDR und die ARD.
Interview with Heiko from Mannaplace
In April we had the privilege of being interviewed by Heiko Metz from Mannaplace about "[W]holehearted" for their newsletter. If you want to watch the interview, here is the link (only available in German):
Other news
Every now and then we receive e-mails from supporters, potential actors and those interested in our film project. We are thankful to see how little by little the project is progressing and God is providing us at the right time. Recently we have worked out a more concrete, but still time-varying manufacturing plan. There will also be an application/registration form coming soon for extras (of which we will need many) and for actors interested in a role in the film. In addition, we would like to use the time until the film is financed as well as possible, to plan ahead and to prepare as best we can. An important part of the planning are the visual effects, with which the film is loaded. There are very different (some of them brand new) technologies and approaches for their implementation. Therefore we would like to run some VFX tests in the next few weeks, create smaller proof-of-concepts for individual shots and evaluate the different methods and techniques and determine the most suitable for the project. It remains exciting and we will get back to you as soon as there is the next news. We thank God for His provision and all supporters for their contributions. Please keep "[W]holehearted" in prayer and of course we are grateful for any support.
Application form for volunteers
At this point we would like to kindly point out the application form for volunteers. We are heartily grateful for everyone who has already verbally offered to volunteer with us and we would like to ask you at this point to register using the form. Because that helps us enormously to get/keep an overview of all interested helpers and gives us an idea of how much time you have for the project and in which areas we can potentially use you.
Link to the volunteer application form...
We wish you all a blessed and relaxing weekend!
Greetings and God's blessings!
Your [W]holehearted team
Kornelius, Tabea & Stefan