Project update: The news for summer

At the beginning of the summer holidays we would like to bring you, dear friends and supporters, up to date on [W]holehearted.

Current donation status

At the moment our donation level is €12,912.00. We thank God and all supporters from the bottom of our hearts for your generous financial support!

Actors, locations and more...

As mentioned recently, we can of course only start concrete pre-production once the financing has been completed (or the end of it is foreseeable). However, there is some preparatory work that we can do in parallel while the financing is still in full swing. It's so nice to see how God cares for us. There are new volunteers and we are in contact with a number of actresses and actors who may be considered for roles in [W]holehearted and who are potentially interested in being involved. For the role of Nick's boss we were also able to experience something really amazing. A few weeks ago, a dear brother who gave his live to Jesus recently, became part of our church. Korni quickly realized that his looks would theoretically be the perfect fit for the role of Nick's boss. We were all the more astonished when he told us that not only would he be very interested in taking part in the film, but that he had also been cast for a small role in the Stuttgart State Theater in the past. And this despite the fact that he actually pursues a completely different profession. We are very grateful and look forward to trying out scenes with him for the role at some point in the casting process. We are also in talks with a potential composer and maybe there will be an official announcement here soon. It's always great how God surprises us, opens doors, establishes contact with people and we get positive feedback from people we didn't even think of at first. Step by step the project moves forward and so many of these stories are truly testimonies and often show how perfect God's timing is. Incidentally, we are also very grateful that Ambient, a well-known manufacturer of timecode and metadata systems, supports us with the free use of their logging network and script supervisor app for our non-profit project.

Producer's Hangout with Dennis

We have already introduced Dennis Reinick in one of the previous newsletters. Since then he has been energetically and passionately supporting us as a producer with financing, publicity and keeps coming up with brilliant ideas on how we can get closer to our goal of production together. Having previously worked entirely online with Dennis, we recently met in person for the first time in Schwäbisch Gmünd. We had a brilliant evening, with a great walk through the city, good schnitzels and very good conversations. We thank God from the bottom of our hearts for this connection, which just fits perfectly. With Dennis we not only got to know a co-producer for [W]holehearted, but also a brother and friend with whom we can - if God wants - also in the future, move a lot and make films for God!

Soon to be a guest on the podcast Ausgepsrochen Brennbar by Stayonfire

We are very pleased that Thaddäus Schindler from Stayonfire has also agreed to support us in promoting the project and has invited us as podcast guests to the Aussprechend Brennbar Podcast to talk about [W]holehearted. Ausgesrochen Brennbar (engl. "Extremely combustible") is a Christian podcast that features new inspirational personalities from the Christian scene in every episode. The episode will be recorded in August and will probably be released as the September edition of the podcast on the major podcast platforms. In the coming newsletters we will definitely keep you up to date on the podcast and link the finished podcast.

We wish you all a blessed start to the summer holidays!

Greetings and God's blessings!
Your [W]holehearted team

Kornelius, Tabea & Stefan

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