Project update: The first church flyers are on their way!

Hello, dear friends! :-) We hope you all had a wonderful start into the new year. This time the newsletter was a little longer in coming, we're sorry. We've been pretty busy mailing out donation receipts for last year, doing the bookkeeping, and preparing our church flyer campaign.

In the past few weeks we have been working to find Christian curches in all medium-sized to large cities in Baden-Württemberg, to which we would like to send some flyers and a letter, introducing our project and asking for the flyers to be displayed. In this way we hope to make the project more widely known and to find more supporters. The address list currently has more than 150 entries and we haven't even finished with all the cities. It's a lot of work, because we always take a quick look at the statements of faith from the churches to make sure we share the same core beliefs. Yesterday we sent a first batch of 50 letters. Next week it goes on and on.

In the meantime, we have also had some good conversations and friendly and helpful feedback by email. The donation status for the funding campaign is currently €7,350.00. That's really a lot, considering our previous reach. We thank God from the bottom of our hearts and everyone who has already donated so generously to the project! Step by step we are getting closer to the budget.

In the meantime, we have also had some good conversations and friendly and helpful feedback by email. The donation status for the funding campaign is currently €7,350.00. That's really a lot, considering our previous reach. We thank God from the bottom of our hearts and everyone who has already donated so generously to the project! Step by step we are getting closer to the budget.

So it's progressing bit by bit and we'll keep you posted. :-)

We wish you all a nice and blessed weekend!
(And if you're a football fan too, enjoy the Superbowl!)

Your [W]holehearted team

Kornelius, Tabea & Stefan

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