Core values

1. Jesus Christ ist above all

God is what's most important in our life. Jesus Christ is above everything we do. Our priority is to know Him, to seek His presence, to live with and for Him and to do His will. Jesus Christ is the reason we make films. He is the one who calls us and He is the one who enables us to do so in the first place. The ingredients we need for any successful film are His blessings, His guidance, His anointing. He is our producer, our advisor and our supplier. In everything we do, it should become visible that it is not us who are doing it, but He through us.

2. Our primary calling is to be a follower of Christ

First and foremost, we are children of God and followers of Jesus. Filmmaking is part of our calling, but it is never intended to replace personal evangelism, ministry in church and practical daily discipleship. Our place in our marriages and families is also a responsible and important ministry that we want to live. Filmmaking should therefore never be done at the expense of our marriage or family, and family comes before work.

3. Humility is not only an option

Our goal is not to become famous or to read our name in as many credit rolls as possible. Our goal is to do what God leads us to do. We want to do God's will and communicate His message and love. Pride causes so many problems. We do not build a monument for ourselves. Everything we do should alone make His name great and be an act of worship for Him.

4. We want to esteem others higher than ourselves

We are made for community. Jesus calls his church his body and every believer is a member with a very specific task. Everyone is made unique. Everyone has unique skills, talents, and character traits. Everyone is very special and everyone is equally important. Our goal is to see the best in every member of our crew and cast. And - as Jesus commanded - to respect others more than ourselves. Whenever we work with others, we want to provide an environment in which every team member feels good, where everyone can blossom, grow and develop their full potential. Kindness, generosity, mercy, and respect for one another are mandatory.

5. We want to honor God with the whole production and not only with the final product

We want to honor Jesus not just in our finished product, but with every single aspect of the production. The way we approach projects, the way we work, the way we interact with one another and with others should be a testimony to Christ. At the filming locations, when working with other people, organizations and institutions, actors and the crew - we want to represent the love of Jesus Christ everywhere.

6. There is only one epic story that will change the world

Our goal is not to just tell stories for mere entertainment. There are already more than enough of these. Of course, our films should be entertaining, exciting, high-quality and appealing. But as part of the worldwide family of Christian filmmakers, we want to make films that are inspired by God and centered on the world's most epic story and message. The story that is the only one with the power to change lives: The Gospel. In a world full of lies, we want to use the media to tell the truth.

7. Critique is welcome

We want to have open ears for criticism and corrections and also specifically ask others for feedback and constructive advice. We want to examine every criticism and take it with us in prayer before God.

8. God is our provider

A good movie, like any other product, has a price. It is our aim to produce films of the highest possible quality. We therefore do not want to shy away from larger budgets. We heartily believe that God provides for us. We would like to contribute so that filmmakers in Germany can also make a living from their profession when it comes to Christian productions, and so that a future of more and better faith based films is even possible.