Support us

If the idea behind [W] holehearted has aroused your interest and you would like to help us with the implementation, we would of course be very happy!
There are many different ways you can support "[W]holehearted". Click on the rubric for more information on the individual options.

Your prayer

The simplest, yet most effective way to support us is prayer. Everything we do we want to do for the glory of God. Without Him we cannot achieve anything, but with Him everything is possible. The idea and the open doors we have experienced with the project so far, we owe to Him alone.

We would be happy if you would pray for [W]holehearted. We have set up an email newsletter where you are welcome to register in order to stay up to date and to be informed about current prayer requests.


Subscribe to the newsletter here

Your donation

A film like [W]holehearted is not only a lot of work, but also very expensive. Since we want to make the final film available free of charge in order to reach as many people as possible with it, we will not make any profit or income from the film. We are completely dependent on God’s provision for the realization of the film. One way He has provided for us so far has been through unexpected donations.

Feel free to pray about supporting us with a donation as well. We don’t want to beg anyone for money. Just let God guide you. If you have the heart to help us with a donation of any amount, we are deeply grateful.

You can support us with a donation of any amount via our official crowdfunding campaign. Just click on the following button and you will be forwarded directly to the campaign. There you can enter your desired amount and then click on “Support project”. The payment of the donation can then be made either by bank transfer, PayPal or credit card (via PayPal). Since we are recognized as a non-profit association, you will also receive a donation receipt from us and, unless you want to support us anonymously, you will of course be mentioned as a supporter in the film's credits.

Außerdem sind wir seit Ende 2023 auch auf Deutschlands größter Spendenplattform vertreten. Betterplace bietet mehr Zahlungsmöglichkeiten als die Kampage auf unserer Webseite. Die beiden Kampagnen (Betterplace und unsere Webseite) werden von uns tagesaktuell synchron gehalten.

Yes. If you are an entrepreneur and would like to support the project with your company as a sponsor, please contact us at

Share with others


Another way you can support us relatively easily is to follow [W]holehearted on our social channels, to share it with others and to tell your family and friends or your church about the project.

The more people hear about [W]holehearted, the more supporters there are and the greater the reach we will achieve with the film later. By telling others about our film project, you are helping us immensely in making the project a reality.

We are currently represented on the following social networks and platforms. Follow [W]holhearted now on:

Become part of the crew

The fourth way to support us is with your time. Do you have experience in a certain area of ​​film production or do you just want to be on the set yourself? If you can imagine being involved in the production of the film in any way - why not apply as a volunteer. Every volunteer helps us to reduce manufacturing costs. The possibilities are many. Are you a talent for organization? We need help with production. Are you more of a physical worker? Help us on the set! Are you familiar with 3D modeling / animation / compositing? Help us with the visual effects

We can use volunteer help in the following areas in particular:

  • Wardrobe / costumes
  • Props / set dressing
  • Catering / crafty
  • Production Assistants / Set-Runner
  • Drivers
  • Set cleaning / Tidy up
  • Special effects
  • Visual effects / compositing

Interested? Simply click on the button below and fill out the application form. If you have any questions or if the area you are looking for is not included, please send us an email:

Become part of the cast

Do you have talent or experience as an actor? Then apply for the casting! Simply click on the button below and fill out the application form. There you will also find an overview of the required roles.

If you have any questions or if the area you are looking for is not included, please send us an email:

Werde Statist


In the script for [W] holehearted there are some scenes for which we need a number of extras and small actors. Some examples are diners in a restaurant, nightclub / bar, clerks at Nick's company, customers of a jewelry store, attendees at a benefit gala, and attendees at a tented evangelism.

Here we are dependent on volunteers. Catering on set will of course be provided and each extra will also receive a small gift.

Provide a location

We need a wide variety of locations for the shoot. If you are the owner of one of the following locations in the Stuttgart or Frankfurt area and would like to support our film by renting your location to us, we would be delighted to receive an email from you.

We are currently looking for the following locations:

  • Modern, luxurious apartment with a view over a city
  • Noble jewelry store
  • Doctor's office
  • Modern office building with meeting rooms, open plan office and lots of glass
  • Gym
  • Night club / discotheque
  • Restaurant
  • Tennis court
  • Course building / parking lot

We will be happy to send you more detailed descriptions of the motifs you are looking for and a mood board on request.