What we believe

The following statements descripbe our believes as producers and founders of the film project. Of course, we do NOT expect our crew members or supporters to agree with us on each of these points in order to work with us.

1. God - Father, Son & Holy Spirit

We believe in the only, triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that God loves us indescribably, that all good things come from Him and that He longs to have fellowship with us.

2. The bible as the word of God

We believe that the Bible is the God-inspired and error-free word of God. The Bible is the foundation of our faith and everything we teach and live on is based on it.

3. Every human is in need of God

We believe that God is absolutely holy and that no person is without faults and therefore no one has a chance to approach God on their own. We believe that is precisely why God designed an incredibly loving and selfless plan of salvation.

4. Jesus paid for our sins

We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth as a human being to pay for our debts on behalf of us. He knew none of us would ever make it. Because He died on the cross and shed His blood on behalf of our sins, we can stand freely and righteously before God.

5. Jesus is risen and he defeated sin and death

We believe that after Jesus finished his work of salvation, three days later, he rose from the dead, ascended back to Heaven, and from there, as the Bible describes, he will be coming back. Jesus overcame sin and death and defeated them once and for all.

6. Everyone who believes in Jesus will be saved

We believe that this is the greatest gift that we have ever received and that everyone who accepts this gift from Jesus and entrusts his life to Jesus will live forever in community and a living relationship with God - and even can call himself a child of God.

7. Water baptism

We believe that water baptism is a symbol of identification with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. Baptism is a testimony of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

8. The great commission

We believe in the full missionary mandate of Jesus and the power in prayer. We believe that God still works miracles today, heals the sick, sets people free and wants to show His love to all people.

9. The baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit

We believe that God works in the church through special gifts of the Holy Spirit to equip it to serve, and to edify and prepare the church.

10. God has a plan for every one of us

We believe God has a plan for each of us. As children of God we are conquerors and conquerors.

11. The Lord's Supper

We believe in the celebration of the Lord's Supper as an act of remembrance of what the Lord Jesus did for us on the cross.

12. We are created for relationship with God and for following Christ

We believe that all believers should have a growing relationship with God as they obey the Word of God and seek closeness to God in prayer and praise.